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To prepare for a kitchen renovation project, the best thing you can do is to avoid denial about the fact that your kitchen will be torn apart and to be prepared by taking the right actions in order to ensure a smooth renovation process as much as possible.
The majority of the things you need to prepare for can be classified into either of these two categories in general, but the best thing you can do to ensure you will be ready on the first day of construction is to follow these steps:
Photo by Square One Construction
You should order your sink and faucet as soon as possible, and then have them delivered. When the work season begins, things become a little more hectic – actually, they become a lot more hectic. You will feel stressed when things like ordering a sink slips by your fingers, and you find yourself scrambling when the contractor needs something.
Photo by Ryan Street Architects
As the owner or client, you have an obligation to tell the contractor or other professionals what you expect them to do for you, it is also their responsibility to let you know what are realistic expectations. This will make for a happier client and a pleasant process overall, and you will be pleased with the results.
In the end, it’s the homeowner’s decision to control how quickly the process moves. Putting too much time into the decision-making process can cause a significant delay in the process.
Photo by Square One Construction
Don’t forget to be nice to the neighbors and tell your contractor to do the same as well. It is a good idea to inform your neighbors about the upcoming construction project and tell them that there will be crews around the area. They can contact you if they have any issues. It is common for neighbors to complain about noise, debris, and deliveries blocking the street.
Organize a weekly construction meeting, so you can stay in touch with your contractors and the other professionals involved in the project. You may not need a meeting every week, but it can be set up on your schedule, if you need one.
Photo by Jessica Koltun Home
As you begin your search for a contractor, here are a few things to consider and discuss with them.
Photo by Kingswood Custom Homes
As soon as you take care of business, it’s time to get your hands dirty. Rather than dreading this task, make this an opportunity to do some serious cleaning. Getting everything done now is much more enjoyable than waiting until the end to empty everything. If you have a lot going on in your life, you can always put it off until a later date. If you do not have enough time to do this now, you can always come back to it later.
If you are storing items for a few months that you will not be using, you should put them in boxes or even better, plastic bins with lids to protect them from dirt and dust for the duration of the storage period. It is a good idea to separate out the items you will be using in your temporary kitchen: knives, coffee mugs, food you will be eating, and even wine glasses. Who says you have to drink the entire time from plastic cups?
Photo by Benning Construction Inc
When it comes to your temporary kitchen, there is nothing that can match an organized, prepared approach. If you try to set up an interim kitchen half-heartedly, you will only make things worse. Experimenting with temporary kitchens is not wise. It’s important to have a place to make a cup of coffee or a snack, especially if you have little ones around.
Photo by Klopf Architecture
Think about setting up your temporary kitchen the way you would a real kitchen, in stations.
Photo by Wilkinson Preservation
Looking for the best tips and tricks to get your kitchen renovation off to the right start? Contact our team today and find out how we can help.
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